CONTACT library versions for Matlab, Fortran, C, Universal Mechanism.
900Annually ¹
Academic use ²
Free support ³
Version updates
Node locked ⁴
Virtual machine
1800Annually ¹
Commercial use ²
Free support ³
Version updates
Node locked ⁴
Virtual machine
Network floating ⁵
Short duration
Permanent license
Volume license
Extended support
Custom integration
User subroutine for on-line integration of CONTACT in SIMPACK Rail
1400Annually ¹
Academic use ²
Free support ³
Version updates
Node locked ⁴
Virtual machine
2800Annually ¹
Commercial use ²
Free support ³
Version updates
Node locked ⁴
Virtual machine
Network floating ⁵
Short duration
Permanent license
Volume license
Extended support
Custom integration
Terms / Definitions
All prices are given in Euro excluding VAT and other government impositions.
Academic licenses are restricted to educational purposes and non-commercial research. Research is regarded as commercial if it’s ordered, sponsored or facilitated by a third party that has a direct interest in the results.
Support is provided on the basis of a fair use policy.
A node locked license allows use of the software on one computer. This computer can be changed two times per year.
A floating license allows use of the software for one concurrent simulation at a time.